West Australian Model Railway
Situated within
the grounds of the Rail
Transport Museum in Bassendean,
there are no additional fees required to
visit the model railway once you have
entered the museum. The model railway
and museum are open 1 to 5 p.m. on
Sundays, and 1 to 4 p.m. on Wednesdays
during school holidays. (Note: the Rail
Transport Museum is open every Wednesday
afternoon throughout the year, but the
model railway is only open on Wednesdays
during school holidays.)
Enjoy a cool drink, a
“cuppa”, a snack, or an ice-cream whilst
watching the model trains in a relaxing
environment. Nearby toilets with full
wheelchair/disabled access and
baby-change facilities make it an ideal
outing for families or carers looking
for a weekend activity.
All proceeds from
sales at the model railway go directly
to the on-going running of the WAMRC —
donations are also gratefully accepted!
Visiting the Club – Fellow Modelers
They operate in N, HO
and G scales, with working layouts (or
actively under construction) in all
three gauges. Prototypes are typically
Australian or US, although European and
British locos and rolling stock are not
uncommon. We support both traditional DC
and radio operated DCC control on the N
scale layout and DCC on the club’s main
HO layout. On the G scale layout we
operate club-built battery operated
radio controlled units and the
occasional live steam.